Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Role of Taxation Policies under Globalisation and Trade Essay

The Role of Taxation Policies under Globalisation and Trade - Essay Example In this case tax competition will increase everyone will want to reduce their rates and give more incentives. The global mobility of goods, services, finance and consumers has disturbed the tax system of both mobile and immobile factors. This requires efficient taxation of firms operating in different regions. Every country want to minimal taxation to attract Fade-in this article we will discuss the different taxation policies under globalization and trade. Due to the globalization process private and public sectors also had change their policies and practices.3 When a country formulates its policies it takes in to consideration its domestic economy. Whenever there is any type of agreement or trade treaties between nation they are don’t compromise on national independence  regarding taxation. Globalization has change base, implication, design and administration of taxaes.Fiscal termites is used to describe the effect of globalization on tax systems. Adoption of tax system ac cording to globalization is slow process, as tax administrator face difficulties in administering new tax system and making it feasible to IT system and people. Government are facing stiff competition in reducing taxes and giving more incentives to attract FDI, this may lead to race to the bottom in which overall tax collection will be less. Literature Review Taxation It is a system of obligatory contribution imposed by government on people, corporation and property in order to raise revenue for public expenditure. It can direct and indirect it varies from country to country.4 It can be progressive, proportional or regressive tax. Under Progressive tax as income rises tax rates increases. Proportional Tax remain the same at all level and under regressive tax rate decreases as income increases this effect poor people then rich .it is impossible for a government to run its operation without taxes. It also a legislative power and help in implementation of rules. Taxation is set of rule s, how much a very person has to pay and whom and when it should be paid. Taxation is a powerful tool to gain social evolution and economic advancement. By giving tax exemption some activities supported for growth and for the discourage of certain product or activity heavy taxes are imposed. Local business are promoted by imposing heavy taxes on foreign goods . The basic principles of taxation are as follow5: Efficiency : It focuses on the foundation of the taxation policies prevailing in a country.An efficient taxation system should be unbiased and anti-nepotisum and simple so that people can understand it. Equality: The application of the tax system should be Equitable and should treat all taxpayer in similar economic conditions and different treatment in different economic conditions. Certainty : For the establishment of an ideal taxation system certainty is fundamental because one should know what is going to be tax cost and outcomes of tax avoidance. Positive Economics Effects: In actual taxation is for the smooth flow of national affairs and stability in the country and promoting economy.    Trade Trade is transfer of ownership of goods and services from one person to another the act of doing trade is called transactions, the original form of trade

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Principles and Articles of the United States Essay

Principles and Articles of the United States - Essay Example The principle of checks and balances monitors all the branches of the government to ensure that each of the branches balances the government so that no one is powerful and supreme than the other. For instance, the judiciary interprets the policy or law, the executive implements the law and the legislature formulates the law. The U.S constitution was drafted in a unique manner of checks and balances to protect people’s liberty and rights against combination of government authority. It made legislature, judiciary and executive completely separate and autonomous as to work but coordinated for proper function with security to block usurpation of authority or power. When people talk about checks and balances in government, it is significant to understand the composition of the three branches of government that can act or amend another branch of the government to prevent it from possessing too much authority over the other branches (Hollitz, 2010). This system has proved to be effective in the U.S. For a long time, the U.S constitution has been analyzed, interpreted, and amended to conform and adapt to transforming circumstances, and the authority exercised by the federal or central government have transformed with it. For example, since the Federal or Central government can affect the States, it has t he right to hold back federal money from the States that do not desire to conform to the plans of the federal government. The constitution grants these powers to the federal government, which it has to exercise in moderation and not excessively (Hollitz, 2010). The system of checks and balances have functioned very well for a long time in America despite the fact that some clashes have occurred, when vetoes of certain branches of government have been overtaken or appointees declined, these cases are rare. The system has managed to keep the judiciary, executive and the legislature in balance, which has seen these branches attain a

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Accessibility and usability: Web technologies

Accessibility and usability: Web technologies Abstract: The relationship between accessibility and usability can be a contentious issue especially with the advent of new web technologies. Does accessibility have an adverse effect on usability and vice versa and is this in anyway affected by new web technologies? With the advent of new web technologies it is thought by some that the two supposedly bipolar methodologies of web design and evaluation contradict one another even more. In order to determine if this is in fact true this paper will look at the effect of new web technologies on accessibility and usability and the current practices in each of these areas. This paper considers various views on this topic, compares definitions and methodologies and concludes that even when using new web technologies, embracing both sets of practices and recognizing their points of similarity, it is still possible, with considered and judicious use of new web technologies to make a web design that is both usable and accessible. 1. Introduction Some accessibility practitioners believe that by applying new web technologies to a web design, that because of the added level of complexity, they create another barrier to disabled people (Everett 2006). Some usability practitioners believe that by enforcing accessibility practices that the interactivity will in some way suffer (Koch 2002). In terms of new web technologies is this still the case. Is there any merit in these beliefs? Can common ground be found to achieve the some kind of balance? There appears to be a lack of clarity of what constitutes a usable web site and misunderstanding of what constitutes a truly accessible website. The aim of this paper is to discuss the relationship between usability and accessibility by firstly looking at the differences between them and where they overlap. We will then need to understand current thinking on the relationship between accessibility and usability and how it is affected by current web technologies. Will Web Standards and new web technologies have an effect on accessibility and usability? With the advent of Web standards (Featherstone et al. The Web Standards Project 1998) and updated web accessibility guidelines (Henry et al. W3C 2008) it has become easier for developers to create sites that are more usable and accessible. This paper will also investigate technologies such as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)(Garrett 2005), and whether this will have any further effect on the relationship between accessibility and usability 2. Definitions and methodologies 2.1 New web technologies (Web 2.0) The concept of Web2.0 began with a conference brainstorming session. Members noted that far from being unviable after 2001, when many online businesses collapsed, the web was more important than ever, with exciting new applications and sites appearing regularly (OReilly 2002). Web 2.0 websites are characterized by their rich and interactive content. This is in stark contrast to the static HTML. By using scripting technologies such as JavaScript an AJAX (Garrett 2005) it is now possible to create web-based applications that resemble desktop applications with the advantage of being able to access them from almost anywhere. Through the use of scripting libraries it is now possible to add interactive desktop-like interface items to web pages and provide the ability to allow users to make changes to current content. Core characteristics of Web 2.0 web sites are (OReilly 2002): Web Services, not packaged software (Web applications) User control over data sources that become more comprehensive the more people use them (Wikis) Users trusted as co-developers (Wikis, blogs) Harnessing collective intelligence Software available to almost any device (Mobile Apps) Lightweight user interfaces and development models With all of these new technologies and coding techniques, what effect do they have on the relationship between accessibility and usability? Web 2.0 has the potential to enhance usability due to the added ability to create a more rich and interactive environment for the website user. However with all of these new technologies, can they be interpreted by assistive technologies used by disabled users? Have disabled users been considered? Will methodologies such as design and evaluation need to change? 2.2 Accessibility The web gives people with disabilities the ability to do things that they would be unable to do via any other avenue. The web offers them freedom and independence. However, all of these possibilities are removed if a web site is not created in an accessible way. Essentially accessibility can be defined as access for everyone no matter what disability they suffer from (Berners-Lee, via Henry W3C 2009). Other have a more flexible approach such as Clark (2002) where he suggests that allowances of for disabled users should be made to make a website accessible. Another term used in connection with Accessibility is Universal Design, which incorporates elements of usability with the goal of making websites or any product as usable as possible by as many people as possible without requiring adapted or specialized design. (Mace 2008) The guidelines by which most accessibility practitioners develop and evaluate websites is Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 which are updated standards developed by The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). These are written to accommodate new technologies and provide better and more comprehensive help for developers and designers when trying to make websites accessible. These standards consist of 12 guidelines that are organized under 4 principles: perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. For each guideline, there are testable success criteria, which are at three levels of priority: A, AA, and AAA with all A guidelines having the highest priority (Caldwell et al. W3C 2008). The four principles of the WCAG 2.0 guidelines can be explained as follows (Caldwell et al. W3C 2008): Perceivable Web content should be made available to any or all of the senses sight, hearing, and/or touch Operable Interface objects such as forms, controls, and navigation must be operable independent of the input method Understandable The sites content, information and interface must be understandable to the target audience Robust Sites can be used reliably by a wide variety of user agents such as web browsers, mobile devices and assistive technologies The W3C also lists various methods for evaluating websites for accessibility to determine their compliance with WCAG (Abou-Zahra et al. W3C WAI 2008). Various methods including preliminary reviews, manual and automated evaluation tools, are used to determine compliance. When developing websites whether with new technologies or not it is recommended that Web Standards coding practices should be used to attain conformance with WCAG 2.0. Web standards are technologies and practices established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), along with other groups and standards bodies for creating and interpreting web-based content. By making use of these technologies it is possible to create web content that benefit a greater number of users and at the same time making this content usable in the long-term regardless of technology changes (Featherstone et al. WASP 2006). The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has developed an Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (ARIA) in order to make rich internet content more accessible for people with disabilities (Henry et al. W3C 2009). This suite is currently not fully supported in all user agents (browsers) and AJAX libraries (Henry et al. W3C 2009). Will updated accessibility practices be able to enhance or be incorporated into usability practices? 2.3 Usability The generally accepted definition for usability in ISO 9241 states: the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use Usability is defined by five quality components (Nielsen 2003): Learnability: Ease with which a basic task can be completed at the first attempt. Efficiency: The speed with which a task is performed Memorability: The ease with which an interface will be remembered. Errors: The number and severity of errors Satisfaction: The level of enjoyment or pleasure when using an interface An extension of usability is the term User-Centered Design (UCD) (Preece et al. 2006), where users are involved throughout the lifecycle of website developments by using structured methodologies in order to determine and meet all the needs of the target user ( 2009). Some of the techniques used include ( 2009): Usability testing Representative users are observed while attempting to complete set tasks. Notes on the observations of user behavior and comments are made. Card sorting Participants arrange and even label cards representing site content into logical groups and categories to inform the information architecture of a site design. Individual interviews Individual participants are interviewed typically for 30 minutes to an hour either in person, by telephone, or by any means available which allows conversation. These interviews can be formal or informal and do not involve observation. Contextual interview or field studies Contextual interviews are similar to user testing because the users are observed, however they are not given a set of task but are rather observed in there natural environment. Observers also take notes. Surveys These are used to obtain data from large groups of people in a relatively short time and are normally used to gather user requirements. They can also be used for summative usability evaluation. Focus groups These are usually a discussion among eight to twelve current users or potential users or stakeholders of your site conducted by an experienced moderator. Focus groups typically lasts approximately two hours and covers a range of topics that are decided on beforehand. Task analysis Is used to determine the typical tasks that users perform to achieve a particular goal. Work patterns are studied and broken down to provide a list of tasks and the order in which they are performed. Prototypes Are representations of your website/application shown to users in order to inform the design and determine any major defects before proceeding with further development. These can range from paper drawings (low-fidelity) to near complete products (high-fidelity). Expert evaluations Experts are asked to evaluate sites for usability employing various methods such as heuristic evaluation where sites are evaluated against a set of usability principles. Other methods such as Cognitive walkthroughs and pluralistic evaluation are used (Preece et al. 2006). Will usability practices need to include accessibility practices in order to include people with disabilities or will doing this minimize usability of web products? 3. Relationship 3.1 Would disabled users also benefit if usability practitioners considered accessibility guidelines as part of the efficiency and satisfaction of a site? By analyzing the definitions for accessibility and usability to understand their relationship to one another we can see that accessibility focuses on the making allowances to improve the experience for a particular group of users whereas usability focuses on the effectiveness, satisfaction and efficiency in achieving a specified goal of a particular user when using a website. We can see here that the goals are similar albeit with a slight difference in focus. Disabled users can be considered a group of users with varying needs however; in many cases they are not considered when websites are being built (Disability Rights Commission 2004). If a site is not accessible to a user it will obviously not be an enjoyable or effective experience (Clark 2002). With usability the target audience is determined by means of usability techniques such as questionnaires, surveys and focus groups (Preece et al. 2006). However in many cases accessibility practitioners do not attempt to determine the level of use by a particular disability group for a specified website (Chandrashekar et al. 2006). Some work has been done in this area, however the uptake has not been as expected (Sloan 2006). In addition when websites are developed the focus of the accessibility effort is placed on the needs of blind users without bearing in mind the needs of other user groups such as those with colour-blindness or low vision. This is mainly due to a lack of awareness of what disability groups exist, besides blind users, and the varying difficulties encountered by these people. The WCAG 2.0 guidelines attempt to cover these areas but without being able to see these users encounter problems there is little impact and therefore less motivation to cater for these users. From this we can deduce that disabled users should be included as a potential target group and this should be determined by incorporating usability techniques into web accessibility practices. 3.2 Should both sets of guidelines and principles be adopted by both sets of practitioners or should a single Universal set of guidelines be used? If we compare the most commonly used guidelines of both parties we can see that there are similarities. Usability practitioners commonly make use of Nielsens usability heuristics to perform expert evaluations (Nielsen 1994): Visibility of system status Information should be given to the user via appropriate and reasonably timed feedback Match between system and the real world Language and terms that are familiar to the target audience should be used. Information should be presented naturally and logically. User control and freedom If a user makes a mistake they must be able to exit the function easily or undo the action without being confronted by confusing and unnecessary screens or dialogs. Consistency and standards The system should be consistent in terms of words to indicate actions, navigation and the system should use conventions that the user is accustomed to. Error prevention Always attempt to prevent the error in the design instead of providing good error messages Recognition rather than recall System elements, actions and objects should always be visible or easy to retrieve in order to alleviate the need for recall of previous actions or instructions. Flexibility and efficiency of use The system should be flexible enough to accommodate experienced and inexperienced users. The system should be configurable to allow access to frequently used actions. Aesthetic and minimalist design Only important and relevant information should be displayed in dialogues. Irrelevant or unnecessary information will detract or diminish the visibility of important information. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors Messages and suggested solutions to problems should be written in language that is plain, precise and constructive. Help and documentation If necessary, documentation should be focused, concise, concrete and easy to locate Now let us expand on the four principles of the WCAG 2.0 accessibility guidelines mentioned in section 2.1(WCAG 2008) and point out any similarities between these and Nielsens heuristics. Perceivable Web content should be made available to any or all of the senses sight, hearing, and/or touch. Usability guidelines for Visibility of System Status, Recognition rather than recall (Nielsen 1994) will fail for the disabled user if the items in the site are not perceivable. Operable Interface objects such as forms, controls, and navigation must be operable independent of the input method User control and freedom and Flexibility and efficiency of use (Nielsen 1994) guidelines are not satisfied if they are not operable. If a site is very complex or unattractive it can be difficult to operate therefore it should make use of Aesthetic and minimalist design (Nielsen 1994). A site cannot be operated if it does not apply Consistency and standards (Nielsen 1994). Understandable The sites content, information and interface must be understandable to the target audience User control and freedom, Consistency and standards, Error prevention (Nielsen 1994) cannot occur if the content is not understandable. Help and documentation (Nielsen 1994) is necessary to improve understanding. It also not possible to Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors (Nielsen 1994) if the site cannot be understood. Robust Sites can be used reliably by a wide variety of user agents such as web browsers, mobile devices and assistive technologies. In many cases minimalist design (Nielsen 1994) of a website will allow for web standards-based coding techniques to be employed which will allow it to be used on a variety of devices. Also be easier to follow platform conventions in terms of Consistency and standards (Nielsen 1994). As we can see there is an overlap between the two sets of principles. This overlap in principles could be the reason that Thatcher et al. (2003) where he suggests that accessibility issues are a type of usability problem hence accessibility is a subset of usability. Conversely Universal usability as conceptualized by Shneiderman (2003) where usability problems are thought of as a subset of accessibility problems, which expands the scope of usability to include disabled users in usability evaluations. However it is suggested the relationship between accessibility and usability isnt simply a case of applying a universal approach but that issues also be grouped into categories (Petrie et al. 2007). These being: Problems that only disabled users experience are referred to as pure accessibility problems Problems that only able-bodied users experience are referred to as pure usability problems Problems that both groups of users experience are referred to as universal usability problems The use of a universal set of guidelines is a good starting point however they will need to be refined to include the various accessibility and usability problems encountered by disabled and able-bodied users. 3.3 Should accessibility professionals employ usability practices? Usability practitioners employ numerous methods to determine the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction of a project whereas accessibility practitioners will use various techniques and methods to achieve compliance with a set of guidelines. User testing is used by both sets of practitioners, more so by usability practitioners (Chandrashekar et al. 2006). However the difference being that usability practitioners will use this method early on and throughout the design process (Preece et al. 2006 p412). Accessibility practitioners will employ this method at the end of the project. Both groups make use of design guidelines (section 3.2). However guidelines are possibly not the most effective way of evaluating accessibility or usability as they are to be used as guidance but cannot by their nature guarantee the desired results. There are similarities between the accessibility and usability principles with accessibility guidelines being more technical in nature (Kelly et al. 2007), as they require websites to present a particular level of coding. However there are a number of non-technical accessibility guidelines. It is often thought that by making use of accessibility guidelines or universal design techniques that a site will be accessible by all. However this is not necessarily the case (Petrie 2007). Usability guidelines can also present problems (Spool 2002). As with the use of any guidelines they can conflict with one another, they can be misinterpreted and misapplied and they do not guarantee results. In practice accessibility experts will evaluate web sites against guidelines as opposed to user testing. However this has also been found to not be the most effective way of making a website accessible as shown by Disability Rights Commission (DRC) investigation, into website accessibility for disabled people. The study found that designers could not be expected to understand and repair the problems that disabled users experience when visiting a website. To overcome this problem the report suggests that disabled users should be directly involved in the development process (Disability Rights Commission 2004). Guidelines are important from a technical standpoint however it is also important to recognize that the guidelines cannot accommodate all users all of the time. The areas where the guidelines are not practical or important need to be clearly identified and alternate methods need to be identified in order to achieve accessibility (Kelly et al. 2007). Since the publication of the WCAG 2.0 in 2008, however, there are a variety of success criteria and methods suggested that could be used to achieve accessibility (Henry 2008). This being the case guidelines for measuring accessibility is still used predominantly because of the difference in cost between an expert evaluation and user testing and the availability of participants. It is often difficult to get a broad spectrum of users with varying disabilities and therefore accessibility practitioners inevitably end up repeatedly utilizing the same participants for disabled user testing. The reason cost is an issue is due to the fact that accessibility is not built into the project from the beginning and that many do not view it as being of great importance as the number of disabled users is thought to be proportionately very low in comparison with non-disabled users. However there is a strong business case for including disabled users. Christopherson (2007) states: The combined spending power of the 10 million people with a disability in the UK amounts to  £80 billion. There are 6 million people in the UK with dyslexia, with severe cases numbering around 4 million. Many users do not class themselves as disabled even though they may often suffer from disabilities that arent physically manifested such as age related issues, colour-blindness or cognitive difficulties. Some websites do not cater for older devices. By not including disabled users fully may exclude many users from a website which could mean a significant loss in revenue. In many cases accessibility testing is normally regarded as something that can be quickly done at the end of a project in order to comply with the legal obligations of a project. This approach to web accessibility is very shortsighted and potentially costly. If accessibility problems are encountered at the end of a project they can be very difficult to rectify after the fact. As is now recognized in the usability field, it is more efficient and cost effective to include usability evaluation from the beginning and throughout a project. This should also the case for accessibility evaluation as promoted by Henry (2007) in his book Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design. The main chapters deal with: The importance of building accessibility at the beginning and throughout the project Including disabled users and not relying only on standards and guidelines Tips on how to deal with disabled users It is better to involve disabled users throughout the lifespan of a project rather than relying on guidelines alone. By involving disabled users practitioners may be able to determine accessibility issues and usability issues which may have been otherwise missed in usability testing (Petrie 2007 pp 405). Accessibility professionals should not adopt usability principles if they are only going to rely on guidelines. However the usability practice of including actual users in evaluation and design from the start and throughout a project should be adopted. 3.4 What effect do new technologies have on usability? As stated earlier (section 2.1) new web technologies can enhance usability. Is this statement true? Does the ability to add more interactivity to a website improve the usability? According to Nielsen (2007) Web 2.0 technologies add more complexity to a website where it is sometimes not necessary and divert design resources. In his report he found amongst other things that: Internet applications were too complex Community content has too few users on the Internet Features merged from different websites (Mashups) can cause branding confusion Application type websites will benefit most from the use Web 2.0 technologies. Most other websites have very few repeated actions thus not requiring the use of this technology. Therefore as Nielsen (2007) states that efficiency is not as important as simplicity and that modest use of Web 2.0 technologies can be of benefit, however the benefits of advanced features have little effect in improving the users experience. If used modestly new technologies can be beneficial for certain types of user experience such as web applications. 3.5 What effect does new technologies have on accessibility? In a study by Hailpern et al. (2009) it was found that Web 2.0 applications force blind users to adapt to an inaccessible use model, although the evolution of technologies such as WAI-ARIA (section 2.3) and AJAX (section 2.3) may change this in the future. Some believe that Web 2.0 will make it more difficult to create accessible websites. Christopherson via Everett (2006) states that if accessibility is not kept in mind there is a greater chance that Web 2.0 will cause problems for disabled users. Basically Web 2.0 adds a further level of complexity, both in terms of accessibility and usability and this will need to be considered throughout the design process if these technologies are going to be used. 4. Conclusion To make sites that are usable and accessible we will need to change our thinking of usability. Is your site still usable if sighted people can fully and conveniently use it but it is a frustrating exercise for a blind person? (Clark 2003) In understanding the concept of an accessible site we have to understand what an accessible site is. A disabled persons experience of a website does not have to be identical to that of an able-bodied person. If accessibility features are simple and well written they should be unnoticed (Clark 2002). Clark (2002) reiterates, Equality is a misnomer. Equivalency is the goal. As can be seen from the above discussion there is an overlap between the definitions and methodologies employed by accessibility and usability practitioners and that there is scope for accessibility guidelines to be employed by usability practitioners and vice versa. However this is not simply a case of making a universal set of guidelines, as firstly accessibility and usability issues cannot be universally grouped and that there are distinct groups of accessibility issues. Secondly the use solely of guidelines is fraught with controversy and do not necessarily guarantee that a site will be accessible or usable. Involving users both disabled and able-bodied throughout the project lifecycle is the most effective approach in achieving the most usable and accessible product. Involving disabled users is also makes good business sense. Web 2.0 technologies do have an effect on the relationship between accessibility and usability. For them to not have a negative effect they need to be used with discretion always bearing in mind that they add a level of complexity for both able-bodied and disabled users. Therefore we can conclude that that by embracing the techniques and methodologies and recognizing points of similarity between usability and accessibility practices, and with modest and careful, considered use of new web technologies a web design can be made both usable and accessible. References Abou-Zahra, S (ed) (2008) Evaluating Web Sites for Accessibility: Overview. Worldwide Web Consortium, Web Accessibility Initiative. Available at: Accessed 7 December 2009. Caldwell, B, Cooper, M, Reid, LG Vanderheiden, G (2008) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. Available at: Accessed 7 December 2009. Christopherson, R (2007) Making the business case for accessibility. AbilityNet. Available at: Accessed 7 December 2009. Chandrashekar, S, Fels, D, Stockman, T, Benedyk, R. (2006) Using think aloud protocol with blind users: A case for inclusive usability evaluation methods. Proceedings of the 8th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on computers and accessibility, Portland, Oregon Clark, J (2002) Building Accessible Websites. New Riders. Available at: Accessed 7 December 2009. Disability Rights Commission (2004) The web: access and inclusion for disabled people. Available at: Accessed 7 December 2009. Everett, C (2006) Web 2.0: A step backwards for accessibility? Available at:,1000001991,39284428,00.htm. Accessed 7 December 2009. Featherstone, D. Gustavson, A. Sims, G (1998) Working together for standards The Web Standards Project. Available at: Accessed 7 December 2009. Garrett, JJ (2005) Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications. Adaptive Path. Accessed 7 December 2009. Hailpern, J, Guarino-Reid, L, Boardman, R, Annam, S (2009) Web 2.0: blind to an accessible new world. Proceedings of the 18th international Conference on World Wide Web (Madrid, Spain, April 20 24, 2009). WWW 09. ACM, New York, NY. Henry, SL (2009) W3C: Accessibility. Worldwide Web Consortium. Available at: Accessed 7 December 2009. Henry, SL (2007) Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design. Madison, WI. Available at: Accessed 7 December 2009.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Dispute between European Philosophy and Religion Essay -- Research

The Dispute between European Philosophy and Religion Missing Works Cited ABSTRACT: The disputes between philosophy and religion can be avoided and solved not by the contemporary separation of their conclusions but because Socrates-Plato taught us how valid judgments are established. Plato is the founder of "scientific logic", because he discerned the instantaneous relations of similar, different, equal through the intelligibility between ultimate distinctions. This relation, not very accurately called "like" by Socrates, holds too for the intelligence in its relation to the intelligibility of the distinctions of "can" and "must", of which every person is "implicitely" aware, and both "can" and "must" are known as "real possibilites". Final, ultimate distinctions are perceived since they are "evident per-se ". They cannot be doubted by the person which is conscious of itself. These immediate relations are distinguished from relations in which one term is "in the likeness of" the other, which expresses a judgment due to an active comparison, established by man through thinking and through physical actions, placing those relations into the region of time and space. They are the relations of kinship that are in the "likeness of"- (syggenes called in Greek). It will be shown why Aristotles criticism of Plato's use of the word "partaking" has fanned the dispute among the students of Plato, who consider the timeless, eternal reality of distinctions - called ideas by Plato- of highest, ultimate importance. It justifies the validiy of human insights and judgments. This is also not correctly understood by the Christian theologians, who hide behind supernatural revelations and dogmas. Plato did not jutify his metaphysical insights with "... ... able to find it in the Christian religion, in spite of the fact that he often was so close to it. In his "Froehliche Wissenschaaft" - his "Joyful Science"- (23) he sings to Sanctus Janiarius, the Roman god of Beginning, the verses: "Heller stets und stets gesunder, Ever brighter and ever healthier frei im liebevollsten Muss, freely in a loving must preist sie deine Wunder, praises it your wonders schoenster Janiarius". Most beautiful Janiarius It is the insight that clarifies our absolute conditions. It confirms that absolute laws, including the law of love, demand that characteristics and conditions are validly observed. They determine all things in heaven and on earth, and even God uses them for His creative act. It is what the perennial philosophy teaches us, to which we have to return so we will experience the wonders of joy over and over from anew.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Arizona Senate Bill 1070

Arizona Senate Bill 1070 Our country, today, currently faces many social issues. For instance, drug abuse, child labor, gangs, homelessness, and immigration. The immigration issues is very controversial and continues to rise. Many laws and regulations are being passed to help control this issue. Recently Arizona has passed the Senate Bill 1070 which is causing major problems because it affects human rights. This law should not have been passed because it is increasing racial profiling, rebellion leading to crime, and businesses loosing money. As a person, coming from a Hispanic culture this bill affects me personally. I have family who is in this county with visitation visas or working visas. I even have an uncle with no papers. The bill itself is causing problems in their own state. Arizona is not fixing anything but only making it worst. Yes, the government is trying to get rid of people who technically do not have documentation to be here. The bill pretty much means that a police officer can stop anyone of â€Å"reasonable suspicion† of being illegal. The Arizona Senate Bill 1070 states that if the authority has reasonable suspicion they may stop a person to ask for documentation (arz,gov). It also mentions all people of Hispanic decent will have to carry their legal papers just in case they are stopped. If anyone are caught transporting illegal aliens around they will be in trouble with the law. For example, transporting immigrants could be anything from giving they a ride to the store or to church. People who are housing immigrants will also face consequences. S. B. 1070 is not making the issue any better in Arizona communities, but only making it worst. Many other people argue that most of the crime committed in the United States is caused by immigrants. They feel as if they will not have to be responsible for their actions. People argue that immigrants are causing our economy to fail, and they are the reason why many Americans are unemployed. They may also argue that immigrants have caused our country to become over crowded. First of all, giving permission to stop people on a daily basis because a person is suspicious of someone who does not belong in America is just asking for more racial problems. America is known as a â€Å"melting pot† culture, which is a heterogeneous developed society (world dig). How could someone know if a certain person does not belong in America if we are all from different cultures? In 1939 and 1954 America showed its racisms by removing three million undocumented Mexicans. It was called the â€Å"operation wetback†(academic). It is okay to try and get rid of an issue we are having but no one should be called a term that discriminates their race. Its crazy how history repeats itself and now we have a state trying to start a movement by basically encouraging legal racial profiling. I understand punishing people who do not have legal documentation or green card, but why punish the people who travel with them to even go to the store, church, etc.? The bible mentions, â€Å"love your neighbor† but Arizona makes it hard to love your neighbor because a person is not going to love his Hispanic neighbor. They will not want to risk getting in trouble with the law. Many other little problems continue to rise due to the SB 1070. Also, people are going to rebel against this bill because they do not agree with it. More than half of the crime is not reported, but by placing this law, unreported crimes will surely increase. If an illegal alien gets attacked or even something worst happen they will not report it because they fear they may get deported. That itself will give criminals the feeling to aim any attacks against Hispanics because they have a less chance of getting caught. Finally, the idea of trying to get rid of all the Hispanics rapidly is not a great idea for the economy. Factories are mainly worked by Hispanics or lower poverty. Maybe it is true that Hispanics are take a lot of the jobs and leaving Americans unemployed. But, it is a fact that immigrants are working the jobs many Americans do not want to apply for. Immigrants work for less money and are not picky about having benefits. Deporting immigrants all at once will lead factories to close because its not giving them time to rehire anyone to replace the majority of Hispanics controlling the factories. It will be a domino affect of businesses loosing money.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nutritional paper

a. How did your recorded protein intake compare with the recommendation of the CNPP? Well, if my protein intake would be compared to the Nutritional recommendation of CNPP, I am not only doing well, I was able to surpass the requirement. In fact my total protein intake is around three times than the required amount. By having such a high protein diet results to a healthy living because of the following reasons: Protein aids in the proper maintenance of body tissues, Protein composes a large part of our body’s muscles, system organs, enzymes and hormones; without which one’s body can never function properly. Without significant amount of protein in our body, we can never live because proteins are one of the primary building blocks, specifically hemoglobin, which helps to bring oxygen throughout the body. The body’s enzymes are also composed of Protein, which also composes antibodies to help our body fight against diseases and viruses. Also the body needs a lot of protein to develop well. Without protein the skin will rapture easily because it lacks Elastin, the specific macromolecule that gives elasticity to the skin. b. If your recorded protein intake was too high or too low, which foods might you change to achieve your goal and keep other nutrients in balance? Protein can basically be found in fish, meat, poultry, pork, lamb, shellfish, milk, cheeses, eggs, beans, tofu and many more. So basically if I lessen my food intake when it comes to the different kinds of food mentioned above, I can normalize my protein intake. Why normalize my protein intake, considering I mentioned a lot of benefits earlier in this paper? Every time I eat too much protein packed food, I am at risk of having high cholesterol, not only that but it also gives way to kidney complications. Considering that Protein filled foods have cholesterol, it also heightens the risk of having heart attack. c. Which foods in your recorded daily intake provide protein? As mentioned above, fish, meat, poultry, pork, lamb, shellfish, milk, cheeses, eggs, beans, tofu and nuts are examples of food that I eat that provides me with more than enough protein for my daily diet. d. Is the protein in each of these foods complete, or are they incomplete, thus combining to become complementary? Considering the fact that at the end of the day, I was able to eat tree times the recommended protein intake, I can definitely say that the protein in the food that I eat on a daily basis is complete. Not only that, but the food that I eat with protein has other food groups such as carbohydrates, and fats, hand in hand with vitamins and minerals that is good for my everyday diet. e. How much of your daily recommended protein intake did you achieve? Were you surprised by that number? If your protein is not where it needs to be, what can you do to bring it into the recommended range? Be specific. I was able to achieve 165gm (294.64 %) protein intake considering that the normal protein intake is 56gm (100%). I am surprised considering that I ate more than enough protein filled foods that what was recommended. Needless to say, I don’t need to increase my protein consumption but instead lessen it. f. Why is your protein intake within a recommended range important? What are the effects of too much protein? What happens if you consistently eat too little protein? If I eat less than what was recommended amount as I was explained above will hinder my body’s metabolism, weaken my muscle structure, weaken my immunity and decrease the amount of oxygen that flows through my blood. Another bad effect of too little protein intake would result to the slow rapture of the skin, and also my internal organs. g. Did your fiber total meet 100 percent of the recommendation for you as calculated by the CNPP website? I was only able to achieve a total of 71.79 percent of the goal when it comes to fiber intake. Since I barely passed my fruit and vegetable consumption requirement I was not able to take in enough fiber in accordance to the daily recommendation; considering that vegetables and fruits are the food groups which are considered fiber rich. Similar:Â  Nutrition h. Did you think your intake was too high, too low, or just right? Why do you think so? Fiber rich foods are important because they aid in proper digestion, plus they don’t have any bad effect in our body. So therefore it is not a question of having too much fiber but instead having too little fiber intake. Considering I was only able to reach 71.79 % of the recommended fiber intake, I think it is low and should be improved so that I can at least aid my body in the digestion of everything else I eat. i. Did your diet meet the minimum number of servings of foods from each fiber-containing group? Considering I ate enough vegetables and fruits to fulfill the daily requirement, I think I was able to eat enough fiber-containing food. The only problem is that I was not able to eat fiber-rich food. j. If you did not meet your minimum fiber requirement, which fiber-containing groups (fruits and vegetables) fell short of the recommended intake? Fruits can be considered the cause since I was only able to eat enough fruits to meet the requirement. Plus, not all fruits are as fiber rich as pineapples. k. Which specific foods provided the most fiber in your day’s meals? Which provided the least? Identify trends in your food choices that would affect your fiber intakes. Fruits and a various vegetables provided me with the fiber I needed. Grain has a small chance of having fiber but it still has some. But meat and milk has no fiber at all considering that they complete most of my diet would be the cause for my lack of fiber. l. What alterations might you make among your vegetables, fruit, meat and alternatives, or grain choices to increase the fiber in your meals? Possible alterations on my meals would be as follows: Eating oats, brown rice, mountain rice and unpolished rice instead of the normal type of grains; eating high fiber fruits such as Pineapples, Blackberries and Blueberries; eating meat that contains less fats so that my body wont need that much fiber to clean it out of my system; and eating a lot more vegetables, specifically the green type of vegetables. m. What contributions do meats and milk products make to the day’s fiber total? What advice about fiber would you give to someone who emphasizes meat and milk products at each meal? How would you tell him or her to change his or her diet? What foods would you tell him or her to include in his or her diet? Meats and Milk does not contain any fiber what so ever. Basically, if one prefers to eat an all meat and milk diet, one will not receive a single ounce of fiber in what they will be eating. Therefore I would suggest that the person increase their fiber consumption by eating unpolished rice, oats, fruits and vegetables. n. Did your meals include fiber-rich bean dishes such as chili, beans in a salad, or split pea soup? Anyone interested in obtaining fiber should find ways to eat some legumes each day. Unfortunately my diet does not contain much of all the beans included above, but knowing perfectly that I have to eat legumes such as beans I will decide to include it much more often than I already do. o. If you chose to drink fruit juice instead of to eat whole fruit, what would happen to the fiber content of your diet? If you chose to drink purchased fruit juice instead of to eat whole fruit, what would happen to the calorie content of your diet? There are some pros and cons when it comes to drinking fruit juice versus eating whole fruit. First of all, whole fruits contain more fiber than any juice drink can possibly have. On the other hand, fruit juices have fixed amounts of calories, vitamins, and carbohydrates such as fiber, therefore it is much easier to control ones intake of calories than simply estimating it when I eat whole fruits; since fruits are not all have the same sizes and nutritional content. J. Anderson, S. Perryman and L. Young Anderson, J., Perryman, S., and Young, L. Dietary Fiber. December 7, 2007 from North Western Nutrition. Nutritio Fact Sheet: Protein. December 7, 2007 from Fuchs CS, Giovannucci EL, Colditz GA, et al. Dietary fiber and the risk of colorectal cancer and adenoma in women. N Engl J Med 1999; 340:169-76.