Wednesday, January 1, 2020

National Prohibition Was Loved By Many And Hated By Others

National Prohibition was loved by some and hated by others. According to Reverend Floyd W. Tomkins national Prohibition was a utilitarian necessity that America needed. Tomkins recognized the â€Å"menace of intoxicating drink to the peace and safety of a community.† His view was that the consumption of alcohol could not be done in moderation and could not be confined to dive establishments. Tomkins saw alcohol as an infections disease that infiltrated peoples family’s and homes which in turn ruined their lives. Manufacturing businesses were also generally in favor of Prohibition. General manager N.G. Spangler of The Jackson Iron and Steel Co. reaped the benefits that came from nationwide alcohol banning. Spangler elaborates on how Prohibition†¦show more content†¦These men were more focused on their family and improving their lives and planning for their family’s future. Prohibition also received praise from the citizens. It was an act of sacrificing their own desires, because â€Å"it has made very difficult the acquisition by them of the means wherewith to satisfy their destructive thirst.† In combining these opinions one can conclude that Prohibition despite the opposition it faces that it had thus been successful and was there to stay. The utilitarian perspective of Prohibition supports the belief that the enactment of the 18th Amendment was a triumph for society. During the same year as Tomkins, W. H. Stayton, member of the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment published a rebuttal to the argument of the 18th Amendment being a positive addition to the American legislature. Stayton realizes the dangers of excessive drinking but identifies Prohibition as an experiment by a legislature that has a distorted vision. Rather than banning liquor manufacturing Stayton suggests that there be an investigation into why excessive drinking occurs in order to control the source. Stayton believes that rather than having a n absolute prohibition there should be regulation and restriction. His article seeks to answer the questions as to if national prohibition laws had thus far accomplished d their purpose? Are there any benefits? The original intent of the Prohibition laws was to stop the use of

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